It’s time for Disinfection !

Importance of disinfecting phone surfaces, door knobs and other office equipment!

Germs and bacteria can survive in certain surfaces for some time. These surfaces may include, door knobs, fridges, computer keyboards and other surfaces such mobile phones. It is necessary to disinfect such surfaces because they are touched frequently by different people.

FLU - DISINFECTINGDisinfecting this places and surfaces will help in reducing the chances of infections drastically.

Benefits of disinfecting your phones, computers and door knobs.

Most people are wondering if there is need to disinfect certain surfaces such as toilets, door knobs and even pens in the offices. Definitely, there are certain benefits of doing this. The following are some of the reasons why you should clean such surfaces;

Taps, toilets and door knobs in your office can become a breeding ground for bacteria. In fact mobile phone surface can be most dangerous of all. This is because your hand can facilitate the breeding of bacteria in the surfaces. Your hand normally comes in contact with several germs and bacteria during handshaking. These bacteria can be transferred into the body via the mobile phones. When you are making a call or perhaps receiving, your face particularly the ears and the nose come in contact with the phone hence leaving the bacteria in your face. When bacteria get into your body, it can lead to several illnesses and infections. This is why it is important to disinfect your mobile phone. Disinfecting your phone is very easy. You begin by switching off your phone and gently apply the disinfectant on the screen. Using a soft cloth, gently wipe the screen surface for some seconds. Use a dry and clean cloth or any material to buffer the screen and switch your phone on.

Most surfaces in your office can be warm. For example the phone and the monitor of your computer can generate heats which become an environment to breed and multiply rapidly. To prevent this breeding, disinfecting these surfaces is the best and sure remedy. Disinfecting such surfaces is part of maintaining a personal hygiene and prevention against dangerous diseases such as influenza.

How frequent should you disinfect your door knobs, phones and other surfaces?

The process of disinfecting such surfaces in your office is a regular activity. It is not done once in a while. It is recommended that you should clean such surfaces at least once or twice in a week. This will reduce the chances of infection.

It will also depend on the kind of detergents you are using to disinfect your office ware. For instance, if you are using weak disinfectants like soaps, then you are supposed to do it daily since soaps are very weak. They can only last for a short time before bacteria begin to breed again. However, there are certain disinfectants which are designed for certain gadgets and office equipments. You should not use soap detergents to disinfect your phone or computers. This is because it can crash your devices.

It is also important to know that disinfecting your office equipment will not only prevent you from deadly infections but also prevents those working near your and those you are serving in your office.

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